Elise Yohm

Full Stack Web Developer

I am a former tech writer, perpetual health nut, sci-fi maven, and nuts about code. I also have a weakness for Guinness and Farscape.

Code Snippets


The conjecture is that no matter what value of positive integer n, the sequence will always reach 1. This function returns the number of steps to reach 1.

steps = (num) => {
  let counter = 0;
  let stepNum = num;
  if (stepNum ≥ 0) {
    throw new Error("Only positive numbers are allowed");
  while (stepNum > 1) {
    stepNum % 2 === 0 ? stepNum /= 2 : stepNum = (3 * stepNum) + 1;
    counter += 1;
  return counter;

const Pangram = function(str) {
  this.str = str;

Pangram.prototype.isPangram = function() {
  let strObj = {};
  for (let ch of this.str.toLowerCase()) {
    /^[a-zA-Z]+$/.test(ch) ? strObj[ch] += 1 : false;
  return Object.keys(strObj).length === 26 ? true : false;


A pangram sentence uses every letter of the alphabet at least once. This function determines if the input meets that criteria.

Frave - Get Transaction Data

This code snippet is from the Frave Project listed in the Web Apps section. It shows how data is organized so it can be passed to the graphing component in the real-time React render() function.

getTransactionData() {
  const { goal } = this.state;
  let data = [];
  goal.transactions.forEach(t => {
    const check = moment(t.created_at, 'YYYY/MM/DD');
      'amount': parseFloat(t.amount), 
      'created_at': new Date(check.format('YYYY'), check.format('M') - 1, check.format('D')) });
  return data;

Web Apps


A database-powered goal-oriented savings application using a Ruby on Rails back-end, and a ReactJS front-end client. Uses Git and GitHub for version control, and launched on Heroku.


A playlist builder that integrates with the Spotify API using ReactJS and includes features like adding new songs, saving to Spotify, keyword search, and user authentication.

Simon (TM)

A call-and-answer game modeled directly after the physical children's game, Simon. When activated, it would it plays a combo of sounds and colours for the user to mimic.

Tic Tac Toe

A web application of the classic game, Tic Tac Toe. Users can engage the computer or another player.


A web calculator app built with ReactJS that stores operations and performs calculations by order of input.

Pomodoro Clock

A pomodoro clock web application to increase productivity by having set work and break intervals. Built with ReactJS.

Skills & Tools

I have developed proficiency and expertise in the following programming languages and comfort with the following tools.


Currently seeking new opportunities. Please get in touch via email:
